Other select publications


2020. “Los Angeles’s Asian and Latinx Immigrant Activists on Embodiment, Race, Class, and Morality,” CUNY Forum 7(1):49-66 (special volume “Falling Out of Status: Being Undocumented & API” edited by Stephen Lee & Elizabeth Clark Rubio). [pdf]

2018. “Race-ing the Korean American Experience.” Pp. 267-303 in A Companion in Korean American Studies. [pdf]

2016. “‘Success is Relative’: Comparative Social Class and Ethnic Effects in an Academic Paradox. (with Christine Oh). Sociological Perspectives. *available online [click here]on

2015. “Race-ing towards the Real South Korea: The Cases of Black-Korean Nationals and African Migrants.” Pp. 211-43 in Multiethnic Korea? Multiculturalism, Migration, and Peoplehood Diversity in Contemporary South Korea, John Lie, ed., Berkeley: University of California Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Press. [pdf] *For introduction: http://www.academia.edu/11795092/_Multiethnic_Korea_introduction_to_Lie_ed._Multiethnic_Korea_

2015. “The United States Arrives: Racialization and Racism in Post-1945 South Korea.” Pp. 274-95 in Race and Racism in Modern East Asia (vol. II): Interactions, Nationalism, Gender and Lineage, Rotem Kowner and Walter Demel, eds., Boston/the Netherlands: Brill. [pdf]

2014. “On Being a Successful Failure: Korean American Students and the Structural-Cultural Paradox.” Pp. 167-186 in Second-Generation Korean Experiences in the United States and Canada, Pyong Gap Min and Samuel Noh, eds., Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. [pdf]

2013. “Relocating Prejudice: A Transnational Approach to Understanding Immigrants’ Racial Attitudes” (with Wendy D. Roth). International Migration Review 47(2):330-73.

2013. “Citizenship on the Margins: A Critique of Scholarship on Marginalized Women and Community Activism.”  Sociology Compass 7(6):459-70 (June).  [pdf] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/soc4.12042/abstract

2010. “Campaigning for Obama and the Politics of Race: The Case of California, Texas, and Beyond.” Pp. 247-266 in “Race in the Age of Obama,” Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 16, Donald Cunnigen and Marino Bruce, eds. Emerald Publishers. [pdf]

2009. “Finding Our Way Home: Korean Americans, Homelands Trips, and Cultural Foreignness.” Pp. 305-24 in Takeyuki Tsuda, ed., Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migrants in Comparative Perspective. Stanford University Press. [pdf]

2008. “Critical Thoughts on Asian American Assimilation in the Whitening Literature.” Pp. 53-66 in Racism in Post-Racism America: New Theories, New Directions, edited by Charles A. Gallagher. Chapel Hill, NC: Social Forces. *Reprinted in Zhou & Ocampo, Contemporary Asian America (3rd edition, forthcoming) [pdf]

2008. “A Return to More Blatant Class and ‘Race’ Bias in US Immigration Policy?” The Du Bois Review 4(2):469-477.

2006. “‘Patriarchy is so Third World’”: Korean Immigrant Women and Migrating White Western Masculinity.” Social Problems 53(4):519-36. [pdf]

2006. “‘Seoul-America’ on America’s ‘Soul’: South Koreans and Korean Immigrants Navigate Global White Racial Ideology.” Critical Sociology 32(2-3):381-402.

2004. “A View from Below: An Analysis of Korean Americans’ Racial Attitudes.” Amerasia Journal 30(1):1-24. [pdf]


2004. “Our Place in Someone Else’s House: Korean Americans and Gendered Identity in Global/Local Context.” Center for Comparative Immigration Studies Working Paper #91, University of California-San Diego. [pdf]